Yesterday's happiness
July 26

Gratitude is the Cheapest Path to Contentment?

We all look for different ways to feel happier and better, but in reality, gratitude is really the cheapest and most effective way to really grow into yourself and develop lasting contentment. Gratitude is a Powerful Road to Contentment Humans are simple creatures. Tell them something will make them happy, and they’ll keep chasing it […]

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fascinating happiness articles and inspirational stories

Why is Happiness Crucial to Your Career?

There are tons of ways being truly happy can help you out in the workplace, whether it’s interpersonal relations, or simple motivation. Here’s what you need to know. What is Happiness to You? Firstly, you’ve got to re-evaluate all your traditional definitions of the concept of happiness. Unrelenting joy from waking to bed is never […]

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How to Maintain and Foster Happiness in Challenging Circumstances

So often in life, we find ourselves stuck in situations that are pretty far from ideal. Whether that’s terrible life events, such as dealing with grief or a bad break up, or a simple insidious case of depression in an otherwise happy life, altogether too often, everything seems to conspire against us. One of the […]

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7 Lifestyle Habits that can Prevent Real Happiness

In modern life, we don’t tend to have to spend all that much time foraging for food, or fighting for survival, which is great. We’ve got food on the table, warmth, shelter over our heads, and for the most part, long life expectancies. All we have to trade for that is eight or so hours […]

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Is Your Lack of Gratitude Keeping You From Contentment?

Many of us struggle with our happiness and mood levels. What’s worse is that so many people have simply accepted unhappiness, sadness and a real lack of contentment and satisfaction as simply being the norm. And that’s terrifying. Regardless of your religious leanings, we’re all given, on average, 75 years on this earth. You cannot […]

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Can Your Smartphone Give You Happiness?

Here’s 6 Great Apps to Get You Centred, Motivated and Happy. It’s been said that the key to happiness, and to living a joyful, content and purposeful life is to combine three goals: healthy, wealthy and wise. Without that tripod base to your life, you can’t really expect lasting happiness. Happiness, like any goal, doesn’t […]

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How to be Better Friends to Ourselves – Understanding and Exercising Self-Compassion

When it comes to understanding ourselves, reaching goals, hitting deadlines and evolving, you’ve got to exercise a balanced hand. On the one side, you’ve got to be disciplined and driven, on the other, you’ve got to understand the value and importance of rest and laziness. It’s this duality that can make self-compassion a tough order. […]

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Why Forgiveness is Important…

… and What Happens to Our Body, Mind and Health When We Harbour Resentment? There’s no benefit to holding grudges. It’s probably best to get that statement out of the way quickly. Grudges benefit no-one, and what’s more, they rarely actually punish the supposed wrongdoer. They just end up sitting in someone’s mind, making them […]

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The 10 Habits Of Happy People

External conditions may make it easier to be happy. A guitar player may make better music if his or her guitar is a good one. But a good guitar player will always play better than a poor player with a good guitar. In simpler words, this is to say that no matter our environment or […]

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