Yesterday's happiness
September 7

Why Happiness is Difficult to Define

Happiness is a hugely important part of a great life. It’s tough to define, but we know it’s absence when it’s gone. Learning to define and discover your own sense of happiness is important when it comes to building the lifestyle you really want to be living. Here’s why happiness is so difficult to define. […]

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fascinating happiness articles and inspirational stories

Redefining Happiness is the Only Way to Become Content with Your Life – Here’s Why

Happiness as a lasting and consistent part of your life can often seem a million miles away, and there’s generally a solid reason for that. You’re going about it all wrong. If your goals are wrong, then you’re never going to reach where you really want to be. There’s lot of different ways to achieve […]

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10 Powerful Ways Happier People Think and Operate

There’s a lot of ways to be a happier person in this world, but due to the magical human nature of the hedonistic treadmill, constantly dragging us back to a baseline of happiness we struggle to raise, most don’t last very long. Here’s ten powerful ways to actually begin building lasting, potent happiness into your […]

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8 Ways to Reinforce and Protect Your Happiness

It can be hard to hold onto that flickering flame that is happiness. Sometimes, it seems like all it takes is the smallest gust of wind, the smallest little problem, and whoosh, all your positivity and drive is just gone. That’s just how it is sometimes. However, it doesn’t have to be like that. Here’s […]

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Why happiness is an ongoing process

What is happiness? The definition would seem to be subjective, depending on who one asks and what makes one happy. Is happiness a state of being or is it a process? What is Happiness? The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy suggests that happiness can either be a state of mind or a life that goes well […]

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No Growth without Friction – Why the Struggle Needs to be Real

People are forever asking and wondering what they have to do in order to improve their lives, to really start getting after it and hitting their goals. What should I be doing in order to start seeing real success, and getting away from the trappings of my current situation? Well, your current situation is, in […]

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Happiness is the Side Dish, Not the Main Course

When it comes to modern attitudes regarding happiness and the point of life, there’s a lot of confusion. People are aiming for the wrong goals, and wondering why they’re feeling miserable and anxious all the time. I put it down to happiness not being the main goal and the whole point, but simply the icing […]

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12 Five-Minute Changes to Make You Happier

You know what’s fantastic about doing something for five minutes, every day? That’s the way you build a habit. Do that for a week, then challenge yourself to do it for a month. Then six months. Little changes can quickly build up into big lifestyle shifts that see you feeling better, happier, and really achieving […]

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Why Most People Will Never Achieve True Happiness

If you ask the first few people you walk into on the street what they want out of life, providing they don’t want to see materialistic or lustful (e.g. I want a Ferrari, girls, Jason Momoa, etc.), they’re going to say they want happiness. People use happiness to justify all kinds of things: “Oh well, […]

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