Yesterday's happiness
July 26

Karma meets Kindness – The Robin Hood Restaurant story

Kindness boosts happiness, and a lot of other good things, here is a story about kindness the robin hood way. In a side street, near the center of Madrid Spain there is a special innovative restaurant. It might seem a typical Spanish bar at first but there is whole lot of deepness in it. It […]

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fascinating happiness articles and inspirational stories

Stories of Kindness: Public Refrigerators for Those in Need

These are the kind of stories that we love to tell – and that we should actually share more often -, the kind of stories that inspire us to go out there and do something for others, to be kinder, to care more. Some of these stories stick, they start in one place and soon […]

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Happiness and Attitude: Two Stories That Show The Connection

Two women, two very different attitudes. Two stories that show how our mindsets determine our happiness. Caroline Carol is 29. She was born in a small town and has a sister, Mel, two years younger than her. By the age of 9, both their parents died leaving them orphans. While it was an aunt of […]

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Delivering positive news – the positive movement

In a world of daunting news, you may have noticed an increasing interest in balancing bad with positive news. We believe that, indeed, more good things than bad things happen daily, but somehow the bad gets more attention and coverage. We are not alone in this belief. In the last few years, there has been […]

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On Accepting Yourself Just As You Are

One of the most difficult things we can learn in life is to accept ourselves as we are. The process starts from a very early age. As children, we accept ourselves in the degree we are accepted by our parents. The way our parents or carers deal with our behaviour – i.e. the extent to […]

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Jolly or Gloomy? How to Rewire your Brain to Look at the Bright Side

Every day, we have the choice to go through life with a cheerful, bubbly disposition, or frowning and spreading complaints. Yes, it is our choice. But as plausible as this may sound, most people do not seem to be aware of how true it is. Every day, we get to decide to go one way […]

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Stress Management – “Downshifting” is the key

Higher, faster, farther: the more ambitious one’s goals are, the higher the stress levels and, at the same time, the desire for a simpler life. Having a fancy car, a bigger house, a prestigious job come at a high price. But does it have to be like that? How can we get out of the […]

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Be Emotionally Intelligent: Learn To Deal With Toxic People Smartly

There are some people who make us feel their negative aura every time they come around. They are judgmental, manipulative, narcissists, gossipers; they will never apologise and will blame you for their behaviour or reactions (“I’m angry because you made me”). Eventually, these people spread their negativity and pessimism everywhere they go. No wonder they […]

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A Life Reflection Right Before (almost) Dying in a Plane Crash

“Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack.” It can all change in an instant. We recently came across this talk by Ric Elias, who was in the plane that had to land on the Hudson River in Manhattan a […]

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