Yesterday's happiness
July 26

How to be Better Friends to Ourselves – Understanding and Exercising Self-Compassion

When it comes to understanding ourselves, reaching goals, hitting deadlines and evolving, you’ve got to exercise a balanced hand. On the one side, you’ve got to be disciplined and driven, on the other, you’ve got to understand the value and importance of rest and laziness. It’s this duality that can make self-compassion a tough order. […]

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fascinating happiness articles and inspirational stories

Better Together: How to Create a Happier Future

Relationships make us happier, healthier, and stronger. This article won’t be self-help oriented and won’t tell you how to be or feel better in a few steps. It is about much more than that. It is about social connections, quality of relationships, and how to face an uncertain future. Sometimes, depending on our personality, on […]

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Why Forgiveness is Important…

… and What Happens to Our Body, Mind and Health When We Harbour Resentment? There’s no benefit to holding grudges. It’s probably best to get that statement out of the way quickly. Grudges benefit no-one, and what’s more, they rarely actually punish the supposed wrongdoer. They just end up sitting in someone’s mind, making them […]

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The 10 Habits Of Happy People

External conditions may make it easier to be happy. A guitar player may make better music if his or her guitar is a good one. But a good guitar player will always play better than a poor player with a good guitar. In simpler words, this is to say that no matter our environment or […]

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Here and Now: Less Stress for More Happiness

We’re living in tremulous times. It may seem like the world is in upheaval: the financial markets, housing markets and mortgages, and larger world issues that affect us here at home. They affect our relationships, our peace of mind and our well being, and they all create stress in our lives. Stress affects our sleep, […]

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Destructive Clarity – be happy with simplicity

Imagine sitting on your bar stool at home while you watch a flood encompass your home. It is a surreal sight to see. You first start to notice the water crawling up your walls going higher and higher. Then the water reaches your first shelf of books. Gone. Next, they might take over the second […]

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Enjoying Life to the Fullest: Finding Those Simple Pleasures

What comes first to your mind when you read about enjoying “simple pleasures”? How many pleasures that you can think of are really “simple”? And are these simple pleasures supposed to make you happy? The man likes to think of himself as a great and the most important being on the planet: we’ve tamed rivers, […]

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Building Lasting Happiness: How Kindness Can Help

You’ve always loved shopping; the experience of going out, spending some money on clothes to look better or on a new gadget has always lifted your mood. It has always worked after bad day or a sad event. And it doesn’t work just for you – it’s a trick that many of us use to […]

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Does money bring happiness?

Every day, we come across the advice that happiness is in little things and in pleasures of life, but the real question is: do you really believe that? Do small things make us happy? or does it takes a lot more to be happy, preferably more money? The answer to this question is not easy, […]

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