“Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack.” It can all change in an instant.

We recently came across this talk by Ric Elias, who was in the plane that had to land on the Hudson River in Manhattan a few years ago. In his speech, he mentions 3 things that he learnt after that episode:

  1. It all changes in an instant, and suddenly you may not be able to do all those things you wanted to do but never did.
  2. We waste far too much of our times in things that don’t matter with people that do matter.
  3. Dying is not scary, but sad if you’ve had a good life.


Check it out and let’s discuss the topic:

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src gen: https://embed.ted.com/talks/ric_elias

We often speak about how lost we are in our routines, how “mindless” we are of our emotions and surroundings, and about the general inertia we seem to experience in our life. This is a good wake-up call.

We all like to think that we are invincible, that we will die peacefully when we are old, and that therefore there is plenty of time to do those things that we would love to do at some point in our lives but, as Buddha says: the trouble is, we think we have time.


The trouble is, you think you have time - Buddha Share on X


Life as we know it can change in an instant. We never know whether the future we always talk about ends in 40 years or whether it is round the corner. This shouldn’t be a cause for anxiety, but rather a push to let us focus on what matters in life to us, on living the moment, on living our passions and doing everything we want to do now, on appreciating what we have and on cherishing the people we love.


Life can change in an instant. Let’s focus on living the moment and doing what we love.


Every day is a gift and we should do our best to live them to the full. Check this guide we prepared to help you have a memorable day every week.

Do you have an experience to share that can help inspire others to start taking action and living now? Send it to us to [email protected] and we’ll publish it in this section. Or share it in the comment box below!