Yesterday's happiness
July 26

Working Mindfully: How Bad is Multitasking For Your Productivity

“I know that I’ve been sitting at my desk, in front of my computer all day, I know that I’ve been doing things… but what really have I done? What have I accomplished today?” If you’ve ever experienced this and asked yourself these questions, then it’s a good sign: a sign that you’ve started to […]

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fascinating happiness articles and inspirational stories

Alan Watts on Life and Success [Video]

Alan Watts was a fascinating 20th Century philosopher who brought Eastern philosophy to the West and put under judgement our society’s idea of success. In his speech about Life and Music, he talks about the Western idea of happiness and success, and shows how our society encourages us to pursue professional success rather than personal […]

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First things First: A Metaphor for Life

A professor stood before a philosophy class holding an empty jar. As the students took their seats, he started to fill the jar with golf balls. He showed it to them and asked if it was full. All the students agreed that it was. Then he grabbed a bag of pebbles and poured them in […]

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The Neuroscience of Happiness: Putting our brain chemicals to work

There are four chemicals in our brain that make us feel pleasure and avoid pain. Which are they? And how can we make them work on our favour? In Meet Your Happy Chemicals, author Loretta Breuning explains that in the presence of something good, our brain releases four main chemicals: endorphin, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine. […]

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Mindful living: sleeping less but better

It’s not big news that we need to sleep well in order to function well. While the recommended sleeping hours vary per age and lifestyle, ranging from 7 to 9 in adults, there is a small percentage of the population – those with apparently a tiny and rare mutation in the gene called DEC2 – […]

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Uplifting stories: the homeless man, his dog, and the helper

In an earlier article, we showed the scientifically-backed reasons why being kind can make us happy. We found research that states that kindness is contagious and if more acts of kindness were shown in the media, people would start to respond and be kinder. Challenge accepted 🙂 A few days ago we came across the story […]

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Despite life’s ups and downs, make an effort to live it to the fullest [Video]

There is a saying that “you cannot control the ocean, but you can learn to surf the waves”, which we think is absolutely true. There are things in life which are beyond our power to control, and the only acceptable choice we have is to face them, learn from them, and move on. But life […]

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The science of happiness: why being kind feels good

Often, when we are not fully satisfied with our lives and don’t feel completely happy, we look for the big explanations: not having a partner, not owning our own house, or not having the right job, and we think that just getting one, or all, of them would magically solve the problem. Certainly having a […]

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Inside out: why sadness can save us

Sadness is an emotion we all want to get rid of the moment we feel it. What we don’t seem to understand is that, just as fear gives us the adrenaline to escape from danger, or as anger pushes us to fight against something we don’t like or disagree with, sadness may have its own […]

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