Yesterday's happiness
July 26

The Hedonistic Treadmill is Key to Controlling Happiness

The Hedonistic Treadmill is a psychological and philosophical concept, key to understanding happiness, in a number of ways. Without incorporating the concept into your thinking, you can’t really expect to improve your overall mental state and happiness. It makes clear the absolute futility of material gain, as well as status symbols and power positions. What […]

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fascinating happiness articles and inspirational stories

Chasing Happiness is Futile – Address What’s Wrong in Your Life

We all want to be happier and more well-adjusted, and looking for ways to achieve that is a positive thing, but not when you’re not targeting the right issues in your life. Chasing happiness through shallow, temporary measures is futile if you’re unhappy in your job, relationship, and friendships. You cannot fix a bad marriage […]

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Is ‘Happiness’ Worth the Struggle?

That’s right. We need to be happy and if at the end of our life we want to look back and feel that everything was worth the effort. But happiness shouldn’t be the goal per se. This idea may trash all your thoughts about life and what you need to accomplish to reach a state […]

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Can you Achieve Happiness Purely through Helping Others?

You know that warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach when you give someone solid directions, give a homeless guy some spare gloves or cash, or simply are there for a friend? Knowing that thanks to you, that one person’s life is slightly improved, simply because you were there? That’s an extremely powerful […]

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What Kindness Is and What It Is Not

By Victoria Braverman Take the following scenarios. Which one(s) would you say is an act of kindness? You see an old woman struggling with her bags of shopping. You approach her and ask if she needs help. You see an old woman struggling with her bags of shopping. You imagine how difficult it must be […]

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Can You Train Yourself To Feel Happy? My Experience with My Ex

By Victoria Braverman Happiness. What a wonderful emotion. It can carry you through hard times, through external events over which you have no control, and out the other side. It permeates the darkest times. When it strikes, you can jump out of bed with a smile on your face before remembering the sad/dangerous/frightening situation you’re […]

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How Meditation Routines Can Help Build Lasting Happiness

You might do it, you might know people who do it, you might have some pretty fixed ideas about what it is and who does it, but I’m here to say, meditation can help anyone create lasting happiness within their life, with no major lifestyle changes or massive effort. Happiness is, of course, what we […]

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Don’t Let it Bring you Down – How to Keep it Together on Social Media

Social media has been touted for years as the key to getting on with each other and being connected in this modern age. The opportunity to contact and talk to everyone you’ve ever known in your pocket, all the time, what could ever go wrong with that? Lots of things. Proven links to mental health […]

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Can Your Smartphone Give You Happiness?

Here’s 6 Great Apps to Get You Centred, Motivated and Happy. It’s been said that the key to happiness, and to living a joyful, content and purposeful life is to combine three goals: healthy, wealthy and wise. Without that tripod base to your life, you can’t really expect lasting happiness. Happiness, like any goal, doesn’t […]

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