Yesterday's happiness
July 26

Becoming Aware: Why Do I Feel So Bored?

Being able to recognize a feeling and identify a problem is the first step towards solving it. What usually happens is that there comes a moment when you start feeling a bit uncomfortable with something in your life. This discomfort grows until you can no longer ignore it, and finally you start reflecting on it […]

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fascinating happiness articles and inspirational stories

The Importance of Conscious Breathing

A few days ago, I stumbled upon a New York Times article titled “How To Breathe”. The articled featured some wise words from an 80-year-old Argentine-born Israeli clarinet player who offered his advice on using the breathing process as a method to gain peace of mind and overall well being. Reading this article drew me […]

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Connecting With Your Loved Ones: Introducing Friends Mode

Our social connections are a key factor in our well-being. It is proven that family and friends have a huge impact on our happiness, and the more quality time we spend with them, the higher our spirits are. Feeling close to and valued by other people is a fundamental human need, and our well-being is […]

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5 Things You Should Do More Often

Being happy is pretty simple if we focus on it. We said it before: 40% of our happiness depends on us, on our own actions and attitude. It’s our own habits that play the biggest role, and not the people we have around or our environment, as we would tend to think. You should always […]

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Ubuntu: “I am because we are”

A few days ago, someone told me that there was a documentary on Netflix about a tribe or a community in Africa that is ranked as the happiest in the world. Apparently, the reason for their happiness was the simple fact that when lunch time arrives, the whole community gathers around a big table and […]

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New Happiness Equation: How Other People’s Fortune Affect Our Own Happiness

In 2014, a team developed an equation to predict happiness in which expectations played a huge role. Now the formula has been updated to show that our happiness also depends on inequality and on how our situation compares to other people’s. The new study found that inequality reduces happiness regardless of whether we are doing […]

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Why Looking at Cute Animals Make Us Happy: An Experiment Involving You

Now you will understand why your Facebook feed is full of videos and photos of puppies and kittens. Believe it or not, there is scientific evidence from psychological research that looking at cute pics of animals make us happy, and also apparently more productive at work (now you have the excuse for next time your […]

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A minute a day to improve your life

Pascal said that despite all miseries in life, man wishes to be happy, only wishes to be happy, and cannot wish not to be so. Yet it is not insignificant the number of people who seem to somehow be chased by a sort of dark, heavy cloud, and you still see them there, complaining endlessly […]

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The Fast Lane to Failure: 6 Ways to Unhappiness

We often write about those things that contribute to our happiness. Today we decided to go the other way and to show some of the things that will guarantee your unhappiness. So choose your habits carefully! Don’t set yourself any goals Having goals to pursue and work towards them is one of the scientifically proven […]

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