Yesterday's happiness
July 26

Break Your Own Records! Introducing The “Best Ever” Feature

Have you been trying to improve your nutrition or to feel better at work? Have you made any progress there? How many days in a row have you been able to sustain it for? We keep making improvements to our app based on what research says makes us happy. We’ve mentioned before the importance of […]

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fascinating happiness articles and inspirational stories

A 7-Day Plan for A Happy Week

We’ve been showing you ways that research says brings more happiness and joy to our life but, as you’ve seen, there are so many! We want to make things easier for you, so we’ve prepared a calendar that you can print or save in your desktop with specific science-based action points you should follow to […]

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What To Do (and What To Avoid) to Have a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is one of the most natural processes the human body goes through. It is needed for relaxation, regeneration, and serves as a reset before the next day’’s activities begin. Much is known about sleep, yet much more is still regarded as knowledge yet to be conquered and understood, especially in relation to dreams. The […]

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The Power Of (Bad) Habits – And How To Change Them

Imagine this scenario: you wake up in the morning with a hangover, you barely make it out of bed, you go straight to make your first cup of coffee of the day and you drink it while reading the newspaper which, btw, is full of bad news that makes you feel insecure, scared and anxious. […]

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10 Phrases to Inspire a Change in Your Attitude

Sometimes, we don’t need big speeches or entire books to make us open our eyes and to inspire us to make changes in our attitude, way of thinking and behaviour. A few simple but powerful words said at the right moment can have much more weight. These are 10 of our most liked motivational phrases […]

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Embracing Hygge, The Danish Approach to Happiness

If you take a moment to reflect on our lifestyle, you’ll notice that we live in a period which only a few years ago (not to mention decades or centuries) would have been perceived as total science fiction. Think about the internet, smartphones, transportation, augmented reality, the growth of the digital world and the big […]

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The Four Agreements – Simple Words That Can Transform your Life

There are many good and effective methods to improve our lives, but there is one which is unique in its simplicity, and it’s known as The Four Agreements. The Four Agreements is a concept created by Mexican Doctor Don Miguel Ruiz. Ruiz began his professional career as a conventional doctor, stepping away from his family’s […]

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What Can I Do to Feel Happier at Work?

If I spend more than half of my waking hours doing something that causes more pain than joy, can the rest of the day compensate enough to still have the potential of making me a happy person? We could discuss the answer, but most probably it would be no. Now, can I still be happy […]

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What We’ve Learnt About The Olympics: Kindness Beats Competition

Gold, silver, bronze and… a medal for kindness. Yes, the Olympic Games at Rio are over and have left us with probably the most important prize: to human integrity and sportsmanship. It is always good to learn about random acts of kindness, especially in unexpected contexts. For our section “Uplifting Stories of Kindness”, we are […]

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