Yesterday's happiness
September 7

“I’m Always Tired” – Learn How to Replenish Your Energy

Being tired all the time is now such a common, everyday comment people make that we are already talking about it as a syndrome, the TATT (“tired all the time”) syndrome. We can’t deny that today we want to be everywhere – we respond immediately to any WhatsApp beep, we try hard to meet our […]

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fascinating happiness articles and inspirational stories

The Complete Guide to Happiness, According to Science

There is no single, magical, instant solution to be happy, simply because happiness is complex and there are many factors that can influence it. However, there are many small things that we can do to have a happier life, and every little helps. One particular research revealed recently that “happiness is good”, i.e., doing good […]

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Resilience: Building Skills to Cope With Adversity

Resilience is the ability to bounce-back from an adverse event. The more resilient a person is, the better his or her coping mechanisms will be in the face of a challenging situation. Not everyone copes with disturbing events in the same way. Some people suffer to such an extent that are unable to recover. Others […]

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Long Breaks or Micro-Breaks? Recharging Your Energy to Fuel Your Productivity

It is Thursday morning. You are at your desk trying hard to solve an important task, but every three minutes the telephone rings and you are constantly interrupted. You look at your to-do list and you start to panic. Everything needs to be finished by Monday morning and, if all these interruptions continue, you’ll probably […]

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Mindfulness: What Is It, And How Do I Start?

Let us begin with an analogy, a short story really, to explain what mindfulness is. A disciple asks his master, who is known to the people of the lands and its rulers for his farsightedness and wisdom: ‘Master, what can I do to be happy? What helps me to go my way, with strength and […]

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The Power Of (Bad) Habits – And How To Change Them

Imagine this scenario: you wake up in the morning with a hangover, you barely make it out of bed, you go straight to make your first cup of coffee of the day and you drink it while reading the newspaper which, btw, is full of bad news that makes you feel insecure, scared and anxious. […]

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New Happiness Equation: How Other People’s Fortune Affect Our Own Happiness

In 2014, a team developed an equation to predict happiness in which expectations played a huge role. Now the formula has been updated to show that our happiness also depends on inequality and on how our situation compares to other people’s. The new study found that inequality reduces happiness regardless of whether we are doing […]

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Why Looking at Cute Animals Make Us Happy: An Experiment Involving You

Now you will understand why your Facebook feed is full of videos and photos of puppies and kittens. Believe it or not, there is scientific evidence from psychological research that looking at cute pics of animals make us happy, and also apparently more productive at work (now you have the excuse for next time your […]

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The Neuroscience of Happiness: Putting our brain chemicals to work

There are four chemicals in our brain that make us feel pleasure and avoid pain. Which are they? And how can we make them work on our favour? In Meet Your Happy Chemicals, author Loretta Breuning explains that in the presence of something good, our brain releases four main chemicals: endorphin, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine. […]

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