Being tired all the time is now such a common, everyday comment people make that we are already talking about it as a syndrome, the TATT (“tired all the time”) syndrome. We can’t deny that today we want to be everywhere – we respond immediately to any WhatsApp beep, we try hard to meet our […]
It is Thursday morning. You are at your desk trying hard to solve an important task, but every three minutes the telephone rings and you are constantly interrupted. You look at your to-do list and you start to panic. Everything needs to be finished by Monday morning and, if all these interruptions continue, you’ll probably […]
Let us begin with an analogy, a short story really, to explain what mindfulness is. A disciple asks his master, who is known to the people of the lands and its rulers for his farsightedness and wisdom: ‘Master, what can I do to be happy? What helps me to go my way, with strength and […]
If you haven’t set yourself any goals, how will you know if you are where you want to be? Last week, we told you about the importance of celebrating your achievements and praising yourself every time you meet your goals. This week, we will tell you why you may not be meeting your goals and […]
Imagine you have made a long climb to the summit of a mountain. It took you a great deal of effort to get there but you’ve made it, and now you can sit and enjoy a fascinating view. Yet instead of savouring the moment and congratulating yourself on your accomplishment, you start the hike down. […]
How many times have you said something to yourself over and over again, only to find it actually happening later? “I’m not going to be able to do it; I’ve tried before and it didn’t work, why would it this time?”. “I’m going to fail. I’m just not good enough for this position”. Call it […]
We all know the impact our diet has on our physical health, but how much do we know about the effect of our nutrition on our mental health? Felice Jacka, associate professor, psychiatric epidemiologist and director of the Food and Mood Centre at Deakin University, and Chloe McLeod, an accredited practising dietitian, spoke to The […]
We’ve been showing you ways that research says brings more happiness and joy to our life but, as you’ve seen, there are so many! We want to make things easier for you, so we’ve prepared a calendar that you can print or save in your desktop with specific science-based action points you should follow to […]
Sleep is one of the most natural processes the human body goes through. It is needed for relaxation, regeneration, and serves as a reset before the next day’s activities begin. Much is known about sleep, yet much more is still regarded as knowledge yet to be conquered and understood, especially in relation to dreams. The […]