There’s a lot of articles out there that praise gratitude as being a magical path to a better life. A simple speedy solution to all life’s difficult problems. Yeah right! Nothing is that simple. However, gratitude can make up a big part of the structure that lets you achieve huge things in life. Happiness, focus, […]
Happiness doesn’t just happen, it’s a product of how you live your life. Forward momentum is always going to be the quickest path to contentment, here’s why that is. What is Happiness? First of all, the very first thing you have to consider when talking about happiness in any sense is your definition of it. […]
We all want to be happier and more well-adjusted, and looking for ways to achieve that is a positive thing, but not when you’re not targeting the right issues in your life. Chasing happiness through shallow, temporary measures is futile if you’re unhappy in your job, relationship, and friendships. You cannot fix a bad marriage […]
That’s right. We need to be happy and if at the end of our life we want to look back and feel that everything was worth the effort. But happiness shouldn’t be the goal per se. This idea may trash all your thoughts about life and what you need to accomplish to reach a state […]
Every day, we come across the advice that happiness is in little things and in pleasures of life, but the real question is: do you really believe that? Do small things make us happy? or does it takes a lot more to be happy, preferably more money? The answer to this question is not easy, […]