Yesterday's happiness
January 15

Why Happiness is Difficult to Define

Happiness is a hugely important part of a great life. It’s tough to define, but we know it’s absence when it’s gone. Learning to define and discover your own sense of happiness is important when it comes to building the lifestyle you really want to be living. Here’s why happiness is so difficult to define. […]

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fascinating happiness articles and inspirational stories

What Does Happiness Look Like?

When it comes to looking at what your happiness truly resembles, there’s many different elements to think about and explore. Here are some of the key elements that go into working out what happiness could truly look like for you. Define Happiness and Accept Its Myriad Forms Really, happiness is never about what it should […]

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5 Insidious Habits That Challenge Your Happiness

There’s plenty of subtle threats to our mood and happiness in this life. If you identify and mitigate these threats, you’re going to have a far better time when it comes to maintaining and enjoying your happiness. In a time when a lot of us are locked up at home, with minimal human contact, it’s […]

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Discovering Happiness in the Era of COVID

Sounds oxymoronic, right? Happiness during COVID? But how? Let’s be honest here, it’s not been a great year in terms of what’s been happening in the news. However, the news is not your life. Your life is your life. It does not have to be dictated by the big, stressful events happening elsewhere. That’s why […]

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How to Maintain Happiness During Upheaval

We’ve had a difficult couple of weeks around the world. There’s lots of different, scary things going on, and in today’s social media world, it can be incredibly difficult to unplug and focus on your own happiness and mental health. This is essential though, for all of us. If you’re stuck in at home and […]

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Gratitude can Light the Way Out of an Unhappy Lifestyle

It is altogether far too common nowadays to see people trapped into lives and patterns of behaviour that leave them feeling utterly unhappy and defeated. Life is not meant to be one long, protracted effort, and any kind of long-term unhappiness is not to be tolerated but combated and challenged at every turn. It is […]

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No Growth without Friction – Why the Struggle Needs to be Real

People are forever asking and wondering what they have to do in order to improve their lives, to really start getting after it and hitting their goals. What should I be doing in order to start seeing real success, and getting away from the trappings of my current situation? Well, your current situation is, in […]

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Is Gratitude a Fast Track to Self-Discipline and Focus

There’s a lot of articles out there that praise gratitude as being a magical path to a better life. A simple speedy solution to all life’s difficult problems. Yeah right! Nothing is that simple. However, gratitude can make up a big part of the structure that lets you achieve huge things in life. Happiness, focus, […]

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Affluenza and Why Comfort Rarely Equals Happiness

Affluenza is what you get when laziness, expectation and lack of struggle take over. It’s luxury killing tenacity and breeding too much time to develop mental health issues and self-obsession. In short, it’s a rich person’s disease, and it’s getting more and more common. You might think so what, rich kids getting a little problem […]

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